America’s foremost sex and family educator shows parents, teachers and health professionals how to talk to young people in language they will understand. A 3-part series for parents of young children, parents of teens and teenagers.

Sex: A Topic of Conversation with Dr. Sol Gordon
Through lively question and answer sessions, America’s foremost sex and family educator shows parents, teachers and health professionals how to talk to young people in language they will understand.
Program #1 For Parents of Young Children
What’s talked about:
playing doctor, parental nudity, it’s okay not to know everything, embarrassing moments, role models, homosexuality, can you tell them too much?, wet dreams, and sex on TV.
Program #2 For Parents of Teenagers
What’s talked about:
reasons for not having sexual intercourse, birth control, teenage vulnerability, sex vs. love, risks & realities of sexual activity, relationships, sexually transmitted diseases, homosexuality, initiating conversations with reluctant teens, and responsibility.
Program #3 For Teenagers
What’s talked about:
peer pressure, AIDs, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, abstinence, sex vs. love, self-esteem, misconceptions, boys’ lines, girls’ lines, masturbation, birth control.
Discussion Guide
“An excellent resource for community groups and parents to use in the education of their own children.” – Susan Henderson, Coordinator of Education, Planned Parenthood, Dallas, TX
“…An excellent resource and comfortable approach for youth and adults to open the lines of communication on what’s often a very difficult subject.” – Sharon Rodine, National Organization On Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting (NOAPP)
“Sol Gordon engages his audience in a very special conversation about sexuality that is at once respectful, compassionate, factual and fun.” – Joan S. Benesch, Co-founder of Sex Education Coalition, Washington, DC.
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Workable solutions to common conflicts between parents and teenagers ranging from chores and messy rooms to the more critical issues of sexuality and substance abuse.